| 1. | On the instant she was out of her bunk . 她马上由铺上跳起来。 |
| 2. | Her pretty face strengthened and hardened on the instant . 当时她美丽的面庞就坚定、强硬起来。 |
| 3. | On the instant all her fine, civilized poise had deserted her . 这时她那一切优美文明的姿态都没有了。 |
| 4. | Mcteague rose on the instant with a great laugh of exultation . 麦克梯格马上站起身来,欢天喜地地哈哈大笑。 |
| 5. | On the instant those at the table were keyed up and expectant to him . 席上的人们一下子鼓起劲儿来了,对他眼巴巴地望着。 |
| 6. | All this plethora of sight, and feeling, and thought occurred on the instant . 这许多视觉,感觉和思想方面的活动全是一下子产生的。 |
| 7. | The lad fled, on the instant scrambled up the high board fence and disappeared over it . 那孩子马上就一溜烟逃跑了,他爬上那高高的木板围墙,一翻过去就不见了。 |
| 8. | The major found himself on the instant in the midst of a most interesting and confidential conversation . 少校发现,他一下子就赢得了信任,进入了最有意思的谈话。 |
| 9. | On the instant he was thinking how natural and unaffected her manner was now that the ice between them had been broken . 他立刻觉得她这时候的态度多么自然,一点不做作,他们俩人间的拘束已经消除了。 |
| 10. | He paused and looked at her for a moment in his direct, examining way, his hard commercial business judgment restored on the instant . 他停顿着,用锐利的,探索似的眼光望了她一会儿,立即又恢复了他冷酷的做买卖的决断。 |